Hot Stuff

1976 [ITALIAN]

Action / Crime / Drama

Plot summary

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James Mason Photo
James Mason as Prosecutor
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
908.73 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 38 min
P/S ...
1.65 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 38 min
P/S 0 / 1

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by shawhore7 / 10

Merli the Magician.

Euro-Crime can be an acquired taste at the best of times - bad dubbing; senseless killings; one-dimensional plot lines, just some of the gripes levelled against this genre of film. However, if you are looking to watch a film that is rather sparing on subtlety, pathos and seriously lacks any kind of pacing(choppy editing issues),but excels with well-choreographed action sequences; ultra- violence; over-the- top silliness and an easy-to-follow storyline, then this is another Polizio film worth casting a keen eye over.

Maurizio Merli plays a cop forced into retirement by his superiors due to a fondness in the past, of taking matters into his own hands and meting out his own brand of justice to any wrongdoers who have the temerity to commit a crime in his neck of the woods. This exile doesn't last too long however, as he suddenly finds himself recalled to duty by the very same superiors, who believe utilising his brutish methods is just about the only option they have of putting a stop to a gang of nefarious criminals who have just escaped from the clink, and mean BUSINESS! Cue exploding cars; a spectacular motorcycle chase; a one-sided dust-up where Merli teaches four(middle-aged)hooligans some manners on a public bus and plenty of gratuitous shoot- outs(endless bullets entering endless baddies chests).

All in all, an enjoyable 89mins, that's not going to tax the mind and will entertain you from start to finish. Oh, and watch for an unusual turn out for James Mason, playing an Italian Police Commissioner with a clipped Yorkshire accent. Fascinating!

Reviewed by The_Void6 / 10

A lesser outing for Maurizio Merli, and the genre.

I'm a big fan of the Italian Polizi flicks, and for me; having made some of the most entertaining films in the genre, Maurizio Merli is much more than just a Franco Nero clone...but despite the title similarity to the great French-Italian co-production Fear Over the City, Fear in the City is unfortunately a lesser example of the genre. The entire genre owes itself to Don Siegel's masterpiece Dirty Harry; although some of the films in it have taken some creative licence and made something a bit different out of it; that is not the case with this film. The film focuses on Murri; the token maverick cop. He is called in (reluctantly) after a bunch of criminals pull off a successful prison break and spend the night picking off various informers and people they don't like. Murri investigates; hooking up with one of the criminal's nieces along the way. He uses his own methods; which mostly involve breaking all the rules, and thus comes under a lot of scrutiny from his superiors who don't take too kindly to the cop's way of working.

The main problem with this film is undoubtedly the pacing; as we skip from one action scene to the next without much substance in between. Of course, it's the action scenes that make this genre what it is; but the more successful films in it generally have something else to like, and this one doesn't. Maurizio Merli makes a likable lead as ever and it's not hard to see why he so often gets cast in these films as the roles suit him like a glove; but even he doesn't have enough to make Fear in the City a success. Anyone who has seen more than a handful of these films will have seen everything in this one before and not even the action scenes are anything to write home about; although there is an amusing motorcycle chase midway through the film which is well done. This is one the lesser known Polizi flicks outside of Italy and I'm not really surprised about that because there are so many better ones. Overall, I could perhaps recommend this film to hardcore fans of this sort of stuff; but everyone else would do well to not bother with this film.

Reviewed by Coventry7 / 10

Even with Maurizio Merli on automatic pilot, it's still an entertaining Poliziotesschi!

Overnight, in Rome, 12 (!) criminals escape from prison and 4 police informants are brutally murdered. The DA reluctantly calls upon Commissioner Murri, who previously was suspended due to his unorthodox methods and "shoot-first-no-questions-asked" mentality. In between shooting gangsters in the back, Murri discovers that mob-boss Lettieri led the escape, and that one of the convicts was an elderly man who only had 40 days of his sentence left to serve. He was probably forced to join, and Merri gradually finds out why via his gorgeous niece Laura.

My fellow reviewers around here, some of them guys I usually always agree with, have referred to "Fear in the City" as a lesser Poliziotesschi outing and one of the weakest crime thrillers in which Maurizio Merli plays the heroic copper. Yours truly begs to differ. Well sure, if you watch "Fear in the City" straight after "Rome Armed to the Teeth" and right before "The Cynic, the Rat and the Fist", it'll definitely be the weakest link. But, as a stand-alone, this is a highly entertaining and action-packed thriller. It has brutal executions, bank robberies gone wrong, car chases, motorcycle chases, vigilante action and a virulent climax at the railway station. The best scene involves a nasty assassination attempt at a cemetery. James Mason stars as the obligatory prominent Hollywood star-on-his-return, but he clearly wasn't too enthusiast. Raymond Pellegrin and Fausto Tozzi, on the other hand, are excellent in their supportive roles, and the heavenly beautiful Silvia Dionisio decorates the film with her natural charm and her ravishing naked body.

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