The opening episodes of Vinko Bresan's new film "Koja je ovo drzava!" ("What a Country!") (2018) (Croatia-Serbia-Poland),written by Mate Matisic, with the surrealistic absurdity of their repetitive tragicomic situations reminded me of Russian avant-garde satirist from the 1930's, Daniil Kharms, and his collection of short stories, "Incidences" ("Sluchai"). A couple of characters, haunted by sins of their past and the awakening of their consciousness, suffer from mixture of hypnagogic and hypnopompic experiences, feeding a satirical tragicomedy that slips in and out of surrealism.
Events, initially driven by oniric experiences, and therefore hard to understand, later on become reality driven, and therefore more meaningful. Use of the historical figures from the recent past of the region, primarily of those whose impact, or lack of it, resulted in the independence of the Croatian state, and the exaggerated events, implying contents which resonate well with reality of life (t)here today, makes us ponder over the essential message of the film: an institution that has failed to meet the expectations of too many (maybe majority of) people, should be abolished, started all over and rebuilt from scratch (?).
Well worthy of commendable comparison to the works of Scottish writer and director Armando Iannucci ("In The Loop" (2009),"The Death of Stalin" (2017)),this movie deserves good attendance.
Plot summary
A story about suicidal general, a minister who voluntarily locks himself inside a prison cell, and 4 pensioners, who steal the coffin with the remains of the late Croatian president.
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A satirical tragicomedy that slips in and out of surrealism
More Tragedy, Than Comedy...
Great movie for those with basic knowledge of the history of former Yugoslavian countries and mentality of the people from the area.....and for those with an IQ over 30.
Satira s ne-linearnom radnjom i tragikomicnim elementima
Ne treba od ovoga filma raditi kontroverzu jer on to nije. Oni koji to rade nanose stetu redatelju. Prije je potrebno naglasiti interesantno prebacivanje radnje izmedu sna i jave te izmedu onoga sto se dogodilo i onoga sto se ima dogoditi. Kvaliteta ovog filma lezi u nelinearnoj radnji koja potpuni smisao dobiva tek na kraju filma.
Cini mi se da je Bresan odlucio riskirati s otprilike prvom polovicom kako bi mogao zavrsti sa snaznom porukom jer prvi dio ostavlja dojam da bas i ne zna u kojem smjeru treba ici. Cijenim takav rizik pogotovo kada redatelj uspije, kao sto je Bresan s ovim filmom uspio, pokazati da su sve proturjecnosti samo prividne i da su sve suvisne scene bile itekako potrebne kako bi se prica zaokruzila.
Svakako, radi se primarno o drami s elementima vrlo neobicnog i pametno osmisljenog humora. Ne bih rekao da je posebno jedna skupina napadnuta ili ismijana. Citav se film s vremenom pokazuje tragikomicnim jer *sve* strane ukljucene u radnju pridonose stvaranju nereda na koji Bresan zeli skrenuti pozornost sto cini pametnom satirom kojom se najbolje moze ukazati na bolesnu drustvenu zbilju. Kada se to shvati vise nece biti potrebno isticati da je neki film kontroverzan i na taj nacin sve kvalitete staviti u drugi plan.
Tko god je otvorena uma i uz to vidi da je nase drustvo bolesno nece u ovome filmu vidjeti provociranje radi provokacije. Bez suvisnih detalja, preporucam da odete u kino i pogledate film. Ako ne stignete sada, vjerujem da ce biti aktualan i za par godina. Moze posluziti i kao dobar lakmus papir.